
Hints & Tips – your guide to building and developing remote teams.

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How to use LinkedIn wisely and effectively?

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Inspirations for your 2023 HR Roadmap

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ChatGPT – a game changer of research

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The Voice of Change

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Work from anywhere? Yes, please.

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Silent Days in Recruiting

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Things you should do before an interview.

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It Takes Two To Tango

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IT Recruitment – How to hire a Chief Technology Officer responsible for driving the business forward through technology.

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Cross cultural mix – a few steps towards hiring a trilingual inside sales representative for an IT company.

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Remote recruitment – how to successfully recruit in the USA from overseas.

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Writing messages that candidates will answer

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Tips for international recruiters

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Things you should know about recruiting in Poland

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Katarzyna Szudy

General Manager


Szymon Kluba

Recruitment Manager

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